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Submit Nominations

Submit Nominations

Submit Nominations

Submit Nominations

The Allard Prize for International Integrity is awarded to an individual, movement or organization that has demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership in combating corruption or protecting human rights, especially through promoting transparency, accountability and the Rule of Law. Details on the Allard Prize Criteria are listed here .

Call for Nominations
January 2024

Nominations Close
September 15, 2024, 11:59PM PST

Review and Selection Process
October-November 2024

Award Ceremony
March 2025

To submit a nomination please complete the online form below and click the ‘submit’ button. You will be directed to a confirmation message upon successful submission. Frequently asked questions about the nomination process can be found here

Nominations for the 2025 Allard Prize have closed, all submissions will be considered for the next Prize cycle.

Please note that the Allard Prize website utilizes Google Translate, which may include incorrect translations for which the Allard Prize cannot be held responsible.

Nominee's Information

I would like to Nominate:

Nomination Details

How does the nominee meet one or more of the prize criteria: Courage, Leadership, Anti-Corruption, Transparency, Accountability? *

Supporting Documents (PDFs combined into one document if possible)

Accepted file types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Please attach supporting documents, such as cover letters and resumes or CVs of the nominee. These documents are not required as we understand that some qualified nominees may not have this information. Files must be less than 100 MB.



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Submit Nominations